9/5/2020 0 Comments August OfferingsAUGUST OFFERINGS
THANK YOU to all my August 2020 virtual clients! For the month of August you helped me raise money to support the following charities: Black Resilience Fund is an emergency fund dedicated to healing and resilience by providing immediate resources to Black Portlanders. www.blackresiliencefund.com South of Mt. Hood and north of Bend, Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are in an increasingly dire situation with rising COVID cases and a Boil Water Notice in effect for more than 3 months so far in 2020 after a break in the water line that serves them. The 40-year-old plumbing infrastructure is failing and the water pressure is so low that the water is no longer safe to drink and leaders worry what would happen if firefighters needed to save a home. Over 4000 people are registered with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. www.mrgfoundation.org/the-chuush-fund-2/?fbclid=IwAR1AHmPdPl8BIQN16GJqoKYBVMxU6fU2hGY8LzbPVtPBTegcJ9PBh3Vpug8 Rose Haven is a day shelter and community center serving women, children and gender non-conforming folks experiencing poverty, trauma and intersecting issues. https://rosehaven.org Thank you for your support, friends! Featured here is the Sun card from Black Power Tarot, conceived by King Khan and illustrated by Michael Eaton featuring Sun Ra and bandleaders Knoel Scott and Marshall Allen. ✨ Stay healthy and safe everyone!
9/25/2019 1 Comment Hobo Event at The ArrangementI had a wonderful time offering readings to guests at The Arrangement in NE Portland on September 21st in honor of their special event for Hobo Handbags. I'm so looking forward to next time! HTTPS://WWW.THEARRANGEMENTPDX.COM HTTPS://WWW.HOBOBAGS.COM HTTPS://WWW.THEARRANGEMENTPDXHTTPS://WWW.THEARRANGEMENTPDX.C.COMHTTPS://WWW.THEARRANGEMENTPDX.C Don't miss my appearance at the Arrangement on, celebrating the arrival of a special selection of Hobo Bags!
I'll be offering FREE readings from Noon to 4 pm on September 21st! ***The Arrangement, 4210 NE Fremont, Portland, OR 97213 *** This season Hobo is celebrating the city of Portland by featuring local creatives in their current Modern Day Hobo campaign which celebrates individuals who live life on their own terms. In addition, The Arrangement will be offering: *25% off all Hobo product *Company rep in store (11-3pm) *Gift with Purchase ($200+) *Enter to Win a Free Cecily bag! 2/28/2018 0 Comments Tarot Basics and MeditationSaturday, February 24, 2-4pm Tarot Basics and Meditation at Ayurbella Studios in Vancouver, WA. Our meditation was accompanied by the lovely Wiesje playing singing bowls. I am so excited about this, my first workshop at Ayurbella Studios. Wiesje and I met at the Wild Woman Campout this summer and she is a very gifted sound healer. 5102 Plomondon St Vancouver, WA http://ayurbella.com |