9/18/2017 1 Comment 13 Moons Women's RetreatThirteen Moons Retreat
On Saturday, September 16th I taught a brief version of my Tarot Basics workshop and offered some three card readings at the 2nd annual Thirteen Moons Retreat at Camp Collins on the beautiful Sandy River in Gresham, Oregon. This section of the Sandy River is one of my favorite spots. (Check out the photo I took at nearby Oxbow Park a few years ago. What a cute little cloud!) Unfortunately Oxbow Park was closed due to poor air quality from all the nearby wildfires, but that didn't stop this awesome group of women from sharing some powerful wisdom and appreciating the river and each other. Thirteen Moons is a weekend of empowerment and discovery for women of all ages. Thank you to all the event's organizers including Jenna, Anna, and all the women who came to my workshop, came to me for readings, and helped me feel right at home at this magical event! Find out more at: HTTP://13MOONSRETREAT.BLOGSPOT.COM
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9/15/2017 0 Comments (co)motion FundraiserEveryone had a great time and enjoyed some delicious food for a great cause on September 13th! Thanks to Tereisa and Red Sauce pizza for hosting me. Together we helped raise some funds to get the new (co)motion community movement space off the ground.
9/6/2017 0 Comments August 15th Tarot BasicsThis was another successful class, thanks to all my awesome students who showed up! Special thanks to George for helping me set up and break down the classroom, and for doing some on-the-spot research. Check out this beautiful poster created by Alexey Moore with artwork by Karen Kuykendall from her Tarot of the Cat People deck: