10/22/2015 What About the Devil?I've been seeing the Devil card a lot in my readings lately. What's that all about?
While many of us recoil upon seeing this card, the Devil, number 15, is usually not something to be concerned about. In fact, the Devil is actually a blessing. In my mind, the Devil can represent a wide range of human experiences, from horrific to fantastic. On the most severe end of the spectrum, when the Devil is present in an unbalanced way, it can signify the worst times of human existence: abuse, addiction, compulsive or obsessive behavior; suffering. But in most cases, when the Devil is balanced in harmony with spirit, logic, emotion and physicality, it is an important part of a life lived to the fullest. The Devil is about wildness; Oneness with Nature; Freedom from the constraints of society or oppression by excess of any of the four elements: fire, air, water or earth. When the Devil is present in harmony with these elements, it is the key that unlocks the natural world, allowing us to become lost in the beauty and chaos of Nature, the creative spirit, music, dance; the flow of being alive. Without the Devil life would be dull; Too much Devil is painful. Too little is bland and lifeless. Just enough is essential. The Devil reminds us that we too are animals. We are wild and capable of amazing feats of action and comprehension. We are all "little devils" at times when we act impulsively or instinctively. It's often the Devil who helps our creative juices flow, by showing us how the natural world flows all around us, within us and through us. The devil is not something to fear but to revere, and like fire, is kept in check when balanced with the other elements. So when I see the Devil popping up in readings lately, I usually read it as a good sign that we're remaining connected to our wild selves, not letting the cooler weather or society's ever increasing obligations turn us too far inward or too far out of touch with the great unknown. We're still connected to the WILD thing within ourselves, somehow still alive and kicking despite the ever more logical, digital, civilized world in which we live. Comments are closed.